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Posts Tagged ‘Authenticity’

Self-compassion in five words

Self-compassion is at the heart of my personal and professional life, and when people ask me how it got there, I usually say that it was through my meditation practice. It’s true that sitting for years on a consistent basis (when I’m tired, anxious, joyful, frustrated and everything else) showed me a lot about the…

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Strength and Vulnerability: Psychotherapy for First Time Users

Traci Ruble gives a great talk about the hidden strengths inside vulnerability. “Being vulnerable is not the same as being weak. Misconceptions about vulnerability can make people who have never been to psychotherapy feel nervous about trying to get help.  This talk is about what it is like to start therapy and what actually happens in…

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One Key Question for Marketing Your Practice

A little over two years ago, when I got licensed as a therapist, marketing my practice was not a total enigma to me because I had already been a private practice intern for six years. During that time I marketed to get all the clients I had on my own. I was lucky, because I…

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Championing Your Weirdness

“Life is short and celebrating who you are by championing your weirdness is pretty groovy once you get the hang of it!” – Traci Ruble Championing Your Weirdness by Traci Ruble, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist I have always been a little weird. You? As a young girl my family did not understand nor celebrate…

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Psychotherapy as American Cheese Maker

by Traci Ruble, MFTwww.traciruble.com Have you had a chance to see Cindy Sherman’s photography exhibit yet at the San Francisco Moma?  Her work challenges what identity we are manufacturing or not.  And for me, it begs the question, how does Psychotherapy get used to “cement” the identity by embarking on a “self improvement” project towards…

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Therese Bogan, MFT How can we have our dreams, plans and goals without expectations? We have to set our sites and expect good outcomes, or our failure will be in not trying hard enough. This is a common mindset. So then, why does happiness slip through our fingers? by, Therese Bogan, MFT www.theresebogan.com “Oft expectation…

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Self-Reflection: How to connect myself to action

When the search for approval drains your career, your wallet and your heart . . .  you might begin to ask yourself, “How did I get so lost? When did I dump myself like a bad date? Where did I let go of the reins of my life?” by, Therese Bogan, MFT #45643www.theresebogan.com When the…

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Introversion & Creativity

Just a day after watching a TED talk on the hidden powers of introversion, I found myself in a position for the first time in quite a while where I was called on to be creative in an interrelational context. A large portion of this TED talk was focused specifically on hilighting the differences between…

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