Andrew Law, MFT
Andrew is probably more than a little like you. He grew up in the Midwest and followed opportunity to San Francisco. He’s spent an entire adult life exploring and navigating the richness and excitement of the Bay Area. Andrew takes a down to earth and jargon free approach to counseling and therapy. He is genuinely at ease with lots of different people. So whether you think of yourself as a humble average-Joe or Jane, or an exotic jewel from beyond the beyond, or a wretched creature, ugly and unlovable - he will meet you where you are and you’ll know he’s got your back.
Lately, Andrew’s taken an interest in the changing world of modern fatherhood. He’s keenly aware of the challenges new dads face keeping it all together once their children arrive. Andrew regularly gets dads and their kids together for lively discussions covering creative ways to balance work and home life, how to maintain good relationships with partners and friends, and how to keep themselves healthy while they become the best dads they can be.
Andrew earned a Masters of Integral Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies; trained and practiced harm reduction substance-abuse therapy with the Harm Reduction Therapy Center; completed an extensive internship in Ecopsychology with Jan Edl Stein and the amazing people of the Holos Institute; and spent years working with teens and families with the in-home mentoring program at Vive Inc. Andrew also did and does street level work with at-risk youth and adults in San Francisco’s Tenderloin and Mission neighborhoods.
Andrew’s Training:
- 2013 - present: Licensed Private Practice, SF and Bay Area
- 2008-2011: Ecopsychology Intern, Holos Institute, SF and Bay Area
- 2008-2011: Family Therapy and Youth Mentoring Intern, Vive INC!, SF and Bay Area
- 2007-2008: Psychotherapy Trainee, Pierce Street Integral Counseling Center, SF
- 2005-2007: Harm Reduction Therapy Trainee, Harm Reduction Therapy Center, SF
Andrew’s License:
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist: California MFT 54020