P: 415-520-5567 | E: info@psychedinsanfrancisco.com

You Are Registered for the FREE Parenting Support Calls!

Parenting Support PictureNow that your are registered, make note of the dial in instructions.

When: 8:15pm on Monday Night Nov. 9, Dec. 7 or Jan. 11 for 45 minutes.  Come to one or come to them all.

Dial Info: (800) 780-8834 Passcode: 3329213 and press *6 to mute your line once you are in.

  • You will receive an email reminder with a list of the questions other parents have asked that will be covered on the call.
  • This will be a live call and will not be recorded.

If you have questions about the call or want to schedule time with Sarah directly, you can email her here: sarah at psychedinsanfrancisco dot com.