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Posts Tagged ‘Embodiment’

Running with it: exercise and the inner critic

I was thinking about going for a quick jog the other night when my inner critic burst in. She wanted to remind me that I shouldn’t even bother if it’s going to be so short and probably slow (“is that even running?”). She said, “You’re always going to be fat and lazy. You’ll never look…

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Communication with Touch in Relationship

Therese Bogan, MFT The lift of an eyebrow or wave of a hand can tell us all we need to know about our partner’s mood. When we see our old friend’s slumped shoulders and feel them land on the booth seat of the old diner, where we share lunch, we understand envy, pride, or disappointment…

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Something Out of Nothing

Tom Rhodes, MFT Authored by: Tom Rhodes, MFT Website: www.selfinquirytherapy.com I am moved to let this first blog post happen on its own, quite simply, to create something out of nothing. My increasing sense in living this life moment by moment, day by day, is that this is what happens anyway. I’m just moved to…

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