Posts Tagged ‘Dating’
Searching for the One that Got Away
Lily*, a driven, animated, and passionate 34 year-old designer, wants to be, do, and see everything that life has to offer. Whether she’s kicking with her friends, spending time with family or leading her design team, she’s 100% engaged. She’s driven when she has a goal and because she desires marriage and a family, she…
Why Am I Still Single?
“Ok, my friends say I’m too picky, so I lower my standards. I go out with the guy that’s short, bald and has cats. Because he has a great personality and I’m a personality person. So we have a great time, go out on a few dates and then he disappears. He ghosts me. Even…
Let Sex Bring You Closer
Would it surprise you to know that as a Sex Therapist I see fewer clients who are selfish lovers and many more that are too selfless? And by that I mean that they are paying attention to a heck of a lot of things, but not so much to themselves. For most of us, when…
Easier to Give Than to Receive
Experiment here with me for a moment… I want you to imagine someone you love sitting in front of you. Now imagine sending love towards them. How do you send those love vibes out? Do they come through your eyes, from your heart space, from your gut? Does it feel easy to do this? Familiar?…
Should I or Shouldn’t I? Making Difficult Decisions
Ryan* was up at 3am again, dreading her upcoming trip to visit her family with her boyfriend. He understood her better than any other partner she’d had, the sex was good, they lived together well, but she was often disappointed. They had few common interests, he didn’t add much to the conversation when they got…
Whoa-Man! A Fou Fou Ha Performance
“ Simply put, longing for the love of another is more so longing for the love of yourself, and when you can find that love, is when the mask can finally come off” – Closing speech of Whoa-Man! Four female clowns with three-foot tall iPhones looking for love. Twin shape-shifting male dream messengers entwined in…
Upward Mobility Downfalls, Part 2: When Upward Mobility Threatens You Relationship
Willa and her boyfriend, Ben, moved to San Francisco together five years ago. Willa was eager to say goodbye to her small town in order to pursue greater professional opportunity. Ben was happy to join her. Given her willingness to “lean in”, Willa excelled at a tech start-up and developed an active social network. Though…
#TBT on Psyched: Single Men Dating in the Modern World
Gender roles and our lifestyle make dating a brand new unknown.
The “Being” of a “Good” Kisser
There is so much in a kiss: pleasure, intimacy, and connection. The mouth is built to receive and express. The lips, the door way of the mouth, are lined with a high number of nerves, where babies first receive nurturing and also explore their worlds. It is no wonder that kissing is the principal way…
How to date without losing yourself: five fierce self love tools for women
Been on any good dates lately? Whether you’re swiping, winking, or chatting, one thing that most of us can agree on is that dating can really mess with your emotions; one week you are riding the wave of a potential connection, full of hope, your imagination launching into a future together; the next you are…
When Sharing is Scaring: How to Deal with Your Partner’s Sexual Past
It’s probably safe to assume that the person you’re currently sleeping with slept with someone else before you, but learning about their sexual past can be a tricky issue. In fact, they might have slept with someone else immediately before sleeping with you, if you’re not monogamous. It might also be safe to assume that…
Single Men Dating in the Modern World
Things are different than they used to be. Have you noticed? For men. For women. For all of us, traditional gender roles and expectations are collapsing, being renegotiated, tweeked, and yet clung to and reinvigorated, often all from the perspective of the same person! To say the least, it can be confusing. This blog article…